The Architecture of Vibration
This project aims to explore the potential of vibration as the basis of architectural form development. Insofar, architecture has been focused on its visual quality, both from the point of view of the designer and the user. In designing architecture, an architect requires the ability and sensitivity in terms of visuals. However, this design sees that there are other senses possessed by humans that play a role in sensing space, one of which is hearing. In this study, I try to explore the various possibilities of the concept of resonance as the basis of architectural design. The form finding was developed through various explorations and physical prototyping, focusing on cavities and openings. This exploration resulted in design scenarios from two perspectives–the architect who designed with resonance as the basis and the user who navigated the space based on the resulting resonance. The architectural organization is formed and composed through the formation of a cavity based on the sound quality to be achieved and becomes a vibrative architecture. Through vibrative architecture, architecture is no longer present as a visual, but rather as an experience of resonance.
Form Follows Resonance!
Alya Hasna Rizky Riandita
University of Indonesia