Lee Youngil李暎一
AUA (Asian United Architecture) Association
Forum Speaker
ASIA Vernacular- after modernization in Asia
YOUNGIL LEE, a professor architect, graduated from Hong-Ik University in architecture, Korea. He completed an M.A and received his Ph.D in architecture from Kobe University, Japan. During doctoral studies, he worked as an architectural journalist, interviewing many architects such as Tadao Ando and Hans Hollein, and publishing them in architectural magazines. Upon the completion of his education, he worked at the Tadao Ando Architect & Associates, participating in competitions and produced several architectural exhibitions of Tadao Ando in Korea and Japan. In 1996 he opened ‘atelier Because Lee’ in Osaka and designed several projects. His activities of producing Tadao Ando architecture exhibitions and his works were broadcasted on the NHK TV program ’HELLO NIPPON’ in 1998. In 2000, he started his career as a professor at Takarazuka University of Art and Design, and has taught at Kobe University and universities in Asian countries as a visiting professor. He has carried out the following activities for architectural education and practice in Asia. ・Organized with his fellow Kansai-based professor architects in search of Asian concepts in 2010. ・Investigated the building codes in Asia for two years (2014~2016) in 7 countries as a commissioned project. ・Organized ACARA (Asian Contest of Architectural Rookie's Award) from 2011. ACARA was highly evaluated with Japanese Rookie’s Award, and he and his fellows were awarded the Prize of AIJ (Architectural Institute of Japan) for ‘Education Award for Outstanding Practice in 2016 and ‘Commendation for Science and Technology’ by the Minister of Education Culture Sports Science and Technology, Japan in 2017. ・Established the AUA with the aim of developing Asian architecture together in 2018. Every year, he travels around 14 Asian countries for both education and practice in architecture.