Patches! Urban Acupuncture in Braga Village
By 2032, about two billion people are expected to live in urban slums (Ooni & Phua, 2007). In Indonesia, according to the Ministry of Public Works in 2014, there is 38,431 ha of slums, and about 61.1% of them are in urban areas.
Kampung Braga, which is located in the city of Bandung, has a heavy category slum level value, a lack of open areas, and an enclave village with low accessibility.
The idea is to intervene through nodes of acupunctures at the grassroots level under one main concept: 'Patches!'.
Patches superimposed between creating places and sensitive points which results showed the two main anchors of the most optimal intervention in RW08, Kampung Braga.
Patches! elaborate on intangible intervention as well as tangible intervention. Intangible intervention is carried out in the form of activity and thematic circulation in accordance with the habits and abilities of residents who are improved in quality. Meanwhile, tangible intervention is the form of spatial intervention in the form of several spatial typologies in order to achieve the main goal of making Braga Village a livable community.
The design in this thesis showed the results of a twofold increase compared to the existing aspects of connectivity, integration, and agent analysis. In addition to the two main anchor locations in the North and South, the design increased the public open area from 2.8% to 6.7%.
Muhammad Barkah
Institute of Technology, Bandung